Luis Echarte

There are moments in life when we must stop to reflect.


I want to share with you a video that got me thinking:

I already had this experience in my life when I left the position as President of Bacardi. Some of you, I am sure, have had similar experiences. I can tell you that for me it was one of the most appreciated of life lessons.

There is a time when we believe that we deserve everything - after all, it has been our effort - (and nobody is bothered by nice presents), but sooner or later it all ends.

The question is: Who will want to stay when only an arrogant person, proud of its past, is left? High positions end, remember this lesson with humility and gratitude.

I also tell you what my paternal grandfather told me since I was very young, you have more fingers in one hand than good friends. I would add: Stick to them.

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